You Are Your Website!
Your web site sets the image people form about your business in a New York minute!
Your website should embody the character and personality of your organization!
Think of your website as your online storefront window, keeping in mind that
customers may visit you online even stepping foot in your business or meeting you!
This means your website should have the same attention to detail
as your physical space/office, it should feel like your brand and
contain important information.

Believe it or not, the success of a website is decided to a great extent even before
it is made live. The selection of a right domain name is important. A domain name
should be easy, short, relevant, suggestive, and unique and must be carefully selected
after a comprehensive analysis of the market and competition. The domain name should include at least 1 key word used to search for your business/organization.
It is very important to decide what action you want the visitor to take, when they come
to your web site.
- Don't design a digital brochure
- If you want someone to shop - make an offer on the home page
- If you want to stay in touch with the visitor offer them an email sign up, phone number, on line appointment service or joining you on social media
- Introduce your business, new product or service with a video. If a picture is "worth a thousand words", a video will captivate your audience
- Place your important information "above the fold", visitors don't scroll
- Update your web site often with new copy, videos and images
- Include key wordsHere are site & pages we have developed.
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